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Laylax to officially open USA Branche

Author // Ronald “SlickAxe” Meeuwissen

Good luck in the USA!

Laylax to officially open USA Branche

LayLax Inc. is pleased to announce the official launch of our US branch, LayLax USA in 2023. Our main mission is three pronged. LayLax USA aims to become the logistics hub for the Americas by having a physical location and warehouse which will allow us to better serve our customers.

The second goal we aim to achieve with the opening of our US branch is to strengthen our relationships with existing partners and forge relationships with new partners. By being geographically located in the United States, this allows for greater flexibility to attend events, trade shows, physical shop visits, and meetings.

Finally, with the launch of the LayLax International YouTube channel, we aim to provide a wide variety of content dedicated to our faithful non-Japanese speaking audience. The channel will be a dedicated hub for airsofters looking for high-quality airsoft content thats aimed to be both entertaining and informative.

LayLax Inc. is the world’s top airsoft parts and accessory maker and has been leading innovation and industry standards. We plan, design, and develop airsoft upgrade parts, accessories, tactical gear, and equipment to satisfy the wants and needs of airsoft fans and players around the world.

LayLax USA YouTube Channel >> www.youtube.com/channel

About the Author


Ronald “SlickAxe” Meeuwissen

Owner of NLAIRSOFT.COM and AirsoftMeetup.com since 2002 |  Co-Founder and former boardmember of the Dutch Airsoft Association NABV since 2004 | Into #airsoft since 2001

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