Free value packs for ICS Galil & L86A2, these value packs go fast, get one when these are still available!

ICS debut brand new ICS Galil AR, ARM and L86A2, and give you two surprised fire support!!
When you hold a classic Israel Fire Arms like Galil ARM in hand, do you want any other accessories in the war game?
We hear your voice! ICS prepare limited value pack for Galil which including:Battery, third magazine and vintage sling
which are totally free for you! Don’t hesitate, just play!
How about the glory of Royal Marines rifle L86A2?
We prepare another free value pack is the M1913 stander scope rail mount.
This free accessory can switch your brunch of scope without any problem!
You can focus your target immediately!
ICS dedicate these free value packs to our respectful customer,
and they are only available on the first production of Galil & L86A2.
Do not think twice, go for ICS dealer and make your pre-order!!
International sale and marketing dept.
ICS Enterprise Co, Ltd