New to our news section is AirsoftTV.com, Fireman and JayC create several video podcasts a month with some good airsoft content.
AirsoftTV.com Episode 11
Ok, I think we had a great show last night, it ran a little over 2 hours hopefully everybody else enjoyed the show. We were missing our co-host Fireman for this show, he couldn't make it to the studio last night, but Throb and I managed along without him. We spent almost 2 entire hours discussing how to build and train a MilSim Airsoft team, from the type of AEGs you should standardize on, to the radios you should use, to the uniforms you should or shouldn't wear. We also talked about tactics and training, and team organization.... Plus a couple of funny videos along the way :) This is likely our only show for November, but we'll be back in December going strong.
Also, from now on we're going to be able to replay the show for the west coast viewers almost right after we're done, so if you can't make the live show, we'll have the it replaying just an hour after we're done.
Check out http://www.airsoftv.com/ for more information...
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