3R: Red Rag Rule International Initiative
Help us and make 3R an international airsoft rule!
Ok guys, may I have your attention to support safe airsofting? 3R-Red Rag Rule works among many airsofters through our planet but to some is completely unknown. Let us make it a world standard for airsoft! Call your hit, put the rag on your head or other visible place. Let other players see that you’re out of the game. This will save painful misunderstandings. Be visible - Play Safe!
Now, Polish airsoft groups have put up the 3R or the Red Rag Rule to help promote it. It would be great if it spreads out faster now. It's a very practical rule to follow and can help "hit" players safe.
"Hi friends!
Polish teams Straszydlo (Poland) and Doorkickers who are part of PAP ( Polish Airsoft Players in UK) have joined forces on an initiative called 3R - Red Rag Rule. Click here to see our facebook profile.
We are looking for people who would like to spread the word about 3R around the world. Help us and make 3R an international airsoft rule!
Support safe airsoft!"