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Airsoftology show24: Embedded

Categories // Radio

Airsoftology.comLatest Airsoftology airsoft radio sow is avalable and can be downloaded via iTunes or directly from their website.

Jonathan and Steve are back for another great show full of news, rumors, questions and reviews…  And Intern Patrick joins us in the 3rd seat. He’s been a part of the show for a while behind the scenes, and we finally got the little bugger behind the microphone…and he does a darn respectable job.

Oh, and if you couldn’t tell from the photo here, we talk about our friend (and teammate) Lamar and his (now famous) embedded BB nose shot. This is a BB hit that will go down in the airsoft history books.

Oh yeah, Jonathan finally found a way to get the international orders going for the show patches. So, if you are outside the United States, and have been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to get your patch.  Now’s your chance! And you better hurry if you have been holding out, we have less than 25 sets left of the original 200 order.  Once they are gone, they are gone… and we’ll have new designs in their place.

Informative with a touch of humor, we break down the news, reviews and questions you want to hear.

Airsoft companies we love

Titan Batteries Europe - Power your game!
Strataim Airsoft BB Grenades
Fire-Support UK Airsoft

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