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Popular Airsoft Magazine Volume 2 Issue 3

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Popular Airsoft

Summer is over. Schools are opening, time to take out and brush those cold weather coats. Beach Holidays are over, and time to think full time about work. This years summer season has been very good for us, as it is a summer we would prefer to bask in ever since the last really hot summer in 2006. It has been a summer that weâ??ve met friends often during weekends and hitting the pubs and bars. A summer where we travelled up and down the British Isles to attend to occasions of those we have not seen for some time. It is indeed a good summer, a summer which we hope would come back again next year. Long live the Glorious British Summer!


Take A.I.M.Magazine: Issue #6

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Take AIM just released already their 6th issue of the magazine. A great magazine with nice contents, check below...


Reviews: AGM M4A1 GBB and R85-A1
Teams: We feature one of the top teams in Ireland BAND OF HAWKS
Site review: A top site in the UK ,The Academy in London
Shooter : With this article we like to give an everyday airsofter his say
Maintenance: this time its the AK74 from Kalash/Dboys
Berget seven
The Tank : this is a once off chance to read about a one in a million airsofter
OP.clean sweep milsim at its best thanks to foxtrot 58 in Northern Ireland
Foreign Forces: this month we feature the Crazy Dutch
and also prizes and kit reviews


take aim


All this for only 7 euro's. Check their website for more information: http://www.takeaim.ie/



World Airsoft Map of Law Regulations

Categories // News

A nice initiative from Airsoft2Day, a nice graphical presentation of current airsoft worldwide law regulations! It's a nice impression of this great Wiki page, only better :)

World airsoft map of law regulations

The A2D Team started a new project to build an international map of airsoft law regulations. The main goal is to collect all data and bring them together so that we can provide the airsoft player out there a better overall picture about our sport. As our general purpose is to bring the airsoft world together this may help to reach this. So if your country is not added yet, please spend 5 minutes to help us and to generate value for our loved sport!

Follow this link: http://www.airsoft2day.com/forum.html?func=view&catid=24&id=98

Best regards,

your A2D Team!

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Airsoft companies we love

Titan Batteries Europe - Power your game!
Strataim Airsoft BB Grenades
Fire-Support UK Airsoft

#PlayWithTPlugs: Airsoft T-Plug

Airsoft T-Plug Initiative. Sign the Petition today!

Youtube Airsoft Video Channels

Latest pics IWA 2016

Must visit booth IWA 2018

Must visit airsoft exhibitors at IWA 2018:

VFC 7-427
Magnum Boots 9-325
RedWolf Airsoft
Evolution Airsoft
ICS Airsoft
Spartan Imports Denmark
Bohemia Airsoft
King Arms
Star Rainbow Co. (SRC)
Action Sport Games (ASG)

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