We need EVERY person who cares about airsoft in CA to join us in this fight.

Our airsoft sport and hobby is once again under attack from those who seek to deprive us of our rights under the false pretense of public safety.
California Senate Bill 798 (SB798) by California State Senator Kevin De Leon (22nd CA Senate District) would require all "BB guns" and imitation firearms to be brightly colored or constructed of clear or translucent materials.Furthermore, coloring airsoft and airguns the same color as you would a NERF or similar TOY gun may cause parents to underestimate the potential dangers of said airsoft and airguns.
This may lead to lax supervision and can result in more injuries due to unsupervised use of airsoft and airguns. The author(s) of this bill have no basic understanding of the differences between airsoft guns, airguns, imitation firearms, and toy guns. This bill was written on unfounded statistics and overall ignorance. Now is the time to take action to save our sport, our hobby, and a very valuable training tool for working professionals. Please take this time to write to the bill author and your local California Senator and Assemblyman. We MUST stop this bill from becoming law. If we ALLOW this bill to pass, much more than the color of our airsoft guns will be at stake.
Do Not Hesitate! ACT NOW!
For more info visit the Airsoft Safety Association (ASF). The goal of the ASF is to maintain Airsoft as a safe form of recreation, and to prevent any mishaps or negligent use through product standards, public education, and appropriate regulation. The Airsoft Safety Foundation (ASF) is currently composed of 11 California companies. Our collective mission has been to enhance and promote the safe sport of airsoft through training, education and outreach here in California as well as through industry wide initiatives, such as through the development of safe ASTM standards for airsoft products. (ASTM is the American Society for Testing and Materials, a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards).