Big updates from Airsoft Systems
Lot's of summer updates at Airsoft Systems

Big updates from Airsoft Systems. They are ready for summer high season. Their new website, new Mags, new ASCU light. And soon to be ready hop-up and ASAR15. Stay tuned!
For those who don't know Airsoft Systems, they have over 10 years of experience and are specialized in developing innovative products for the airsoft industry and market. They were the first in the world to fully integrate a computerized mosfet with sensors inside a Version 2 AEG gearbox. Today they produce one of the most advanced and field proven electronics for airsoft application, and they are OEM producer for electronic units for other airsoft brands. As from 2018 they have opened their new factory, were they have closed the circle from design to prototyping to full scale production of their hi-end airsoft gun the ASAR-15.
So what about the updates? First of all the website has been completely revamped, including a B2C online store. So you are now able to order directly from the source. Check their online store here...
The new magazines announced during IWA are now ready, focus on high durability and high quality. The mags are completely redesigned from the outside and improved from the inside. It can handle 85 BBs and will fit and feed in 99% of the existing M4/M16/AR15 AEG and HPA replicas, and with minor mods will fit the reining 1% like the 416 models. Did you know the The ASMAG has been tested in extremely fast rate of firing guns. It kept feeding flawlessly the heavy 0.43 Bbs at 50 rounds per second!
They also launched the ASCU LITE, it is designed with simplicity and functionality in mind. It is the easiest ASCU to be installed and used. It packs only the functions a player actually uses on the field.
And soon tey are ready for a new hop-up and the ASAR15 release. There is even more high quality stuff in the pipeline later this year. Stay tuned! They are diffinately back, and we will hear much more from Airsoft Systems the next years.
- Tags: Airsoft Systems | news | updates
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