"Dear Valken: I believe you can go to hell"
An open letter from ZHOT USA
The M12 Sidewinder is an essential piece of gear for every airsoft player's kit. With the quick spin of a crank, almost any M4 mid-cap magazine can be fully loaded in under 5 seconds. This innovation led to a lot of drama again in the Airsoft industry. Continue to read the open letter from Odin distributor ZSHOT USA owner Wallace.
The reason for this is that ZShot is a distributor of Odin Innovation's Speed M12 Sidewinder distributor and Valken distributor a few days ago added a similar product (BB Speed Loader) in its own range and at significantly lower prices. Nuprol Airsoft has a similar copy product and should also remove it from their product line!
Update: The Valken has now removed the product from its webshop. Nuprol should do the same!
- Tags: M12 Sidewinder | Odin Innovations | Speedloader | valken | Valken Airsoft | ZSHOT
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