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EAA new president Joachim Dekkers

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Furey-King Steps Down As EAA President

EAA new president Joachim Dekkers

Crucial timing but a solid transition for the EAA: Matt is stepping down, and former NABV chairman Joachim Dekkers is now elected EAA President. The association will continue their fight against burdensome regulations that threaten the Airsoft game. Give them support to safe our sport on a European wide level. Joachim will lead the EAA to prevent measures that will stop the growth airsoft and help other associations in the region to grow and prosper.

Hello everyone, Matt here, posting one last time to let you know that I've stood down as President (minutes of that meeting will be on our website soon). I'm sad to do so as it's been great fun, I've met so many positive like minded people from across the continent, and it's a very exciting period for the association. Unfortunately, I'm just not able to commit enough time to the EAA to lead airsoft through the crisis we are facing with the EU proposal, the reclassification of replicas as cat C firearms.

The good news is that Joachim Dekkers has been elected by the committee as my replacement. Joachim is an experienced lobbyist, was one of the founders of the EAA and was head of the NABV. He's got some big plans going forward and I beleive he is the man we need right now.

I wish Joachim the best of luck and I will continue to support him as the UKAPU representative on the committee. Many thanks to the players throughout Europe who have supported the EAA throughout the last 4 years I've been President. I feel like the barriers are breaking down very quickly and we are becoming one huge community. Our battles against the worst aspects of the mass media and opportunist illiberal politicians, and our love of replicas and airsoft gaming is universal. Retail seems to be less restricted by national borders too.

I shouldn't need to remind you that the EU attack on replicas is still hanging in the balance, 2016 could be the year airsoft finishes in Europe. But in the words of Margaret Mead; Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

Hope to catch some of you at IWA or Airsoft Wars Lizard later in the year.

Kind Regards,

Matt Furey-King
European Airsoft Association

Must visit at SHOT Show 2018

Must visit airsoft locations at SHOT SHOW 2018:

  • Wolverine Airsoft - #
  • Pyramyd Air - #2007
  • G&G Armament - #2632
  • ASG USA - #2643
  • CYTAC - #1860
  • Tippmann - #3661
  • NUPROL - #4262
  • PTS Syndicate - #4343
  • Valken Outdoor - #3826
  • JAG Precision/Modify - #6510
  • Redwolf Airsoft - #6310
  • KRISS USA/Krytac - #8003
  • Evike.com - #8009
  • Umarex USA - #20112
  • KWA - #20515/#20617
  • SKW Airsoft - #16239
  • Zshot - #13672

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