Tippmann Airsoft M4/AR model
Tippmann enters Airsoft market with first M4 GBB!

Tippmann is making major moves into the world of Airsoft. A premium Paintball manufacturer enters the Airsoft market with their first M4 offering. Their new M4 carbine airsoft rifle brings full-auto--no batteries required performance and Tippmann’s warranty and service into airsoft. Key features include the Tippmann proven inline bolt system, adaptable air system, performance adjustability and an authentic M4/AR style.
Special about this item is that is doesn't include a gearbox, nor a batteries! It's based on the Tippmann proven Air Valve System based on CO2 cartridges or HPA gas. This enables fully adjustable firing modes, velocity, rate of fire and offcourse adjustable hop-up (which is an industry standard).
Further all accessoires you might expect from a replica M4/AR model, compatible with true M4/AR mods. All this reasonably priced! Check further details below:
The M4 Carbine features a realistic flip-top break down design like a true M4/AR. Its versatile air system uses either a 12g CO2 cartridge in the 80 round magazine, or the built-in remote line. It’s also compatible with airsoft’s standard magazines, from 30 to 300 rounds. The M4 Carbine has a metal receiver, and is compatible with many actual M4/AR components including a rear stock, front shroud and standard Picatinny Rail System.
The M4 Carbine is adjustable to match each player’s needs and style of play. The rate of fire can range from semi-auto to 20 rounds per second full-auto, using an air assisted trigger design that does not require batteries. Velocity can be adjusted up to 400 feet per second and can be equipped with a velocity adjustment lock. The inner sleeved barrel is airsoft standard (aftermarket compatible) with adjustable hop up. An armorer’s wrench is included for barrel changes. Other features include Tippmann’s proven in-line bolt system with anti-jam technology, flip up front and rear sights and modular 8-sided Picatinny fore grip.
Made in the U.S.A. and backed by Tippmann’s unrivaled 1 year full warranty the new M4 Carbine will retail for $399.