#PlayWithTPlugs AirsoftTPlug.com
Launch of a new initiative by NLA and many industry partners & friends

I am proud to launch this new initiative for all Airsofters globally. After months and maybe years of preparation, it is actually going to happen! LAUNCH of the Airsoft T-Plug initiative, supported by many of our friends and partners from the industry. Continue reading what this is all about!
Go T-Plugs and Drop Tamiya now! – #PlayWithTPlugs
Today we launch airsofttplugs.com, a joint initiative from the well known Airsoft news website NLAIRSOFT.COM and Titan bringing the Li-Ion revolution to Airsoft. Our mission is to switch the Airsoft industry to T-Plug connectors so all players benefit!
This idea has been around for over a year or more, lately at IWA 2019, this has openly discussed during the Airsoft Meetup Industry Panel. From there other manufacturers joined and talked about the need for T-Plug connectors.
We jointly decided to launch this campaign now! Why, because it will benefit the players and improve our beloved Airsoft sport. We also feel timing is right now! That’s why we will revolutionise the Airsoft industry and push the Airsoft T-Plug connector worldwide. Read more here on the technical side, why an Airsoft T-Plug is the better option!
Our Mission
To enhance every Airsoft players game worldwide, by the widely introduction of the Airsoft T-Plug connector, making them available by default for every player.
I would really appreciate your support on this inittiave. Please share this message and check the https://airsofttplug.com/ website how your can participate and support to make this actually happen. We our proud some significant players in the industry are already supporting us before we even officially launched! Thank you Titan, RWA, Perun, Airsoft Systems and MODIFY Airsoft...
All this wouldn't be possible without the help of the great guys from TITAN, thanks Trent & Matt for making this actually happen!
Thanks for your support!
Ronald Meeuwissen – NLAIRSOFT.COM
We're sharing these graphics that can be posted on timelines or stories (depending which size you need). Be sure to show your support by posting and hashtaggings #PlayWithTPlugs